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ULYSSESTM - Training Management

The Training/Learning Management Module

Our comprehensive Training module, Ulysses™, allows an organization to track and manage training enrollments, courses, classes, curricula, waiting lists and create and/or manage all of the qualifications generated by the training.


Training resources and budgets can be more effectively administered while simultaneously improving an organization's ability to determine its training needs and identifying those employees who would most benefit the company from the training opportunities present. Fully integrated with our scheduling engine, our training module ensures that a class scheduled becomes a class completed. All too often, ineffective scheduling procedures limit an organization's ability to implement a productive training plan. By integrating the training, leave management and service plans into one complete business process an organization can truly harness the power of our Enterprise Workforce Management solution.

It is critical that the solution accurately manage and assess employee qualifications, endorsements associated with these qualifications, and all applicable training (ERP Competency Sets).  In addition to the employee’s basic qualifications, the solution must know the alternates accepted for a qualification and how they may vary depending upon the position that requires that qualification.  The solution must pay close attention to qualification expiration dates and provide Dispatch, Training and the employee with sufficient notice.
Module Functionality


Manage Classes
Create a class comprised of multiple courses with ease using the Manage Classes utility.

Manage Courses
This very detailed utility allows a designated user to quickly and accurately create and manage course related information.  The Course Detail window provides the following data elements: course name, course abbreviation, session id, project code (for Chart of Account tracking), course category, type, delivery mode, duration, description, minimum and maximum number of students and display as a qualification flag.  Additionally, costing information for facility, instructor, classroom and additional costs along with course pre-requisites, qualifications granted, course revisions and course status are all managed from this utility.

Manage Training Sessions

This utility focuses on the creation and maintenance of training rosters allowing the user to specify a description, start and end date/time, instructor, location and roster status.  Attendees are also added and removed within this utility.

Manage Curricula
This utility manages a collection of classes that require completion in order to achieve certification.  

Manage Waitlists
This utility allows a user to add and/or delete individuals to and/or from the class waitlist.

On the Job Training 
This powerful utility allows designated users to manage and track an organization’s on the job training needs.  With permanent/temporary assignment tracking, observations feedback, coach progress, assessments, assessment worksheets and relief assignments, Ulysses™ is more than capable of managing all of your OJT needs.  

Training Log

The log allows users to quickly disseminate information throughout your training organization.  View, add and edit log entries, waitlists, training events, enrollment, attendance and scheduled premiums via the training log.
Training Utilities
Manage Alternates - Manage On The Job Training - Manage Training Events - Manage Curricula - Manage Training Classes -Manage Training Courses - Manage Classrooms - Manage Training Course Categories - Manage Training Class Drivers - Manage Training Instructors - Manage Training Locations - Manage Training Plans - Manage Training Waitlists - Manage Work Areas Rename Qualifications / Training - Manage Curriculum Offerings Convert Qualifications to Endorsements - Batch Enrollment - Edit Employee Qualifications - Manage Familiarization

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